1. I am a girl.
2. I have almost every social media possible. : Two twitters, One Instagram, Two Kik's, One Facebook, One tumblr, Two Snapchats, ask.fm, We heart it, etc.
3. I don't like to wear makeup. Except for maybe mascara and Carmex
4. I have an obsession with flannels, indie bands, and old photos.
5. I don't like animals but I like pictures of animals.
6. I love the 1975 and One Direction- don't mean to brag but I went to one of the last shows on the WWA tour.
7. I used to read a lot but now we barely go to the library. When we do, I go to the adults section.
8. I like to draw, mainly people. But when I want to overstep my boundaries a little, I draw a tree. (I'm such a rebel!)
9. My best friend is my little brother. The big sister and annoying brother stereotype isn't true.
10. Even numbers make me want to throw up.
11. I have a fear of balloons and animals.
12. I hate tomatoes, onions, and bananas.
13. I don't like bacon because pigs are adorable. I only eat turkey bacon.
14. I hate being athletic, heavy metal, and stools. I always end up hurting myself when interfering with any of these.
15. The 1975 is by far my favorite band. I actually found out most of their album is about drugs and making mistakes. It just feels really underground to me.
16. I am from Arkansas.
17. I like black and white. It keeps things simple. But I do like to play with my colors a lot.
18. I constantly feel drawn to the moon. There is no place on Earth I'd rather be than the moon.
19. I don't obsess over celebrities. You're rich. Your music is good. You're a great actor; lots of emotion. But you're only human. So how bout a pat on the back, aye?
20. I currently live in Florida which is not all it's cut out to be. It's actually quite boring.
21. I hate being alone with my thoughts because I start to think of death and then I feel a little scared.
22. I met my other best friend in a cafeteria, not sure if this counts as a fact but whatever.
23. I want a Polaroid camera because vintage things are so cute.
24. I like old cartoons, movies and TV shows like Daria, Boy Meets World, Golden Girls, and Ghost World. I also like typical high school movies and watching Frozen so I can point out everything wrong with it and ruin the movie for other viewers.
25. I will flip out if you talk about me. Not because of what you say but the fact that you said something. I'm not one of those ignore it kind of people. Also, I will probably yell at you if you tell me what to do and you're not an adult or of authority to me.
26. 7 words I would use to describe me are: sarcastic, carefree, clever, defiant, warmhearted, lively, bright-eyed.
27. I am a feminist. I actually went through my Bikini Kill phase last year but I still hold my place in equality for women.
28. I don't think that people should feel insecure about themselves because everyone is beautiful whether or not it's on the inside or outside. But please don't think I don't know what I'm talking about because it took me a while to get over my insecurities. Just remember that if you get rejected by society, there's nothing wrong with you, but with them. This is not some corny quote. I sincerely believe that there is nothing wrong with anybody. Even the sickest minds can be beautiful.
29. I am an optimist about a lot of things.
30. My life goal is to get locked in Wal-Mart after hours because why not.
Auf Wiedersehen.
xx Caitlin