Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Please Excuse My Absence

I never said a proper farewell to my baby and I have moved on now and created ArtBlck. It's a creative forum so more than I can submit to it. Thank you all for your support.

Dear Future Self,

You've probably moved on to greater things but I hope you never forget where you started. This wasn't your first. Your first was much better and you deleted it. But you tried and you didn't give up and you kept going and getting better and I hope you come back to this and see where you came from or where you can go whenever you don't believe you can go places. Thank you for believing in you. Keep going. You can do great things. You've lost some and you've left some but you still got your smile. And congratulations. You made it. xx
This is you now.

This is you when you started.